Who’s Been Using My Browser?

Because I can tell you this for SURE, Google, this headline/article is NOT of interest to me!!!!!!!

NOT my headline

I posted too soon, because scrolling down the list of articles Google News is offering me, I found this one, in Science, which actually DOES interest me.

Much more interesting

We are obviously not meant to be, Google News. I’ll have to see what The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post have to offer. πŸ™‚

Fighting Fatigue with Food

It’s been a long week. Work has been super crazy busy. It’s going well, for the most part, but it’s high visibility, high stress, multi-person, multi-goal, multi-everything project. There are 3 of us working to build what needs to do and be everything for everyone. *grin* Now that’s really the kind of challenge I enjoy. But it does leave me tired at the end of the day, when finally sometime well after dark the end of the day comes.

My schedule is comparatively open earlier in the day, which is when I delude myself that I will cook something interesting for dinner. I went shopping at the Asian Food Market near the office the other day during my lunch break and picked up some very interesting items. Unfortunately by the time I made it home that night there was no way I was interested in concocting a meal. It was microwave leftovers time. Last night I again logged out much later than I’d hoped. I was tired, it was late, it was Shabbat. I really wanted to do something nice for dinner but as usual I was TIRED.

I poured myself a glass of wine, sat down with my iPad to read a little, had 2 cats on my lap, and relaxed. Half a glass of wine, one short story and a lot of petting later, I decided I had enough energy to make us dinner instead of having something delivered or finding more leftovers.

This will be a pictorial post – step by step of the ingredients I added. I have to say that it was amazingly tasty and we both loved it and it’s all gone now. πŸ™‚ The vegetables at the Asian Mart are so fresh and so appealing. Add some curry paste and riced cauliflower to that and what could be bad, right?

Step 1 saute onions in coconut oil
Step 1: Saute the onions in coconut oil

Step 2 add the brussels sprouts and grean beans
Step 2: Add brussels sprouts and green beans (Using up leftovers)

Step 3 toss in mushrooms
Step 3: Have to add some baby bella mushrooms in there as well

step 4 riced cauliflower
Step 4: Riced cauliflower to give it more body, and substitute for rice or pasta

step 5 some sprouts for a different texture
Step 5: The sprouts looked SO good at the market I had to bring them home. They add a nice bit of texture as well.

Step 6 ready for the curry paste and coconut milk
Step 6: Ready now to add the Arroyo-D Panang Curry Paste and some coconut milk to make sure it’s not too hot for me to eat

Step 7: The curry paste and coconut milk are mixed in. Almost ready, but it needs one more ingredient…

step 8 toss in some cutup baby bok choy
Step 8: cut up some of the gorgeous baby bok choy and tossed that in. I like the taste, I like the crunch and I like the color from the leaves.

When Dangling Prepositions Win

I was raised “old school rules”: no dangling participles, no dangling prepositions, no split infinitives. (I wouldn’t be surprised to find I got the punctuation incorrect in that preceding sentence.) I took Latin for 4 years. I grew numb to Star Trek’s “To boldly go”; however there are still some behaviors that I feel should NOT be tolerated. I expect leading newspapers and magazines to follow the old rules, dated as they might be.

Imagine my disappointment at reading the following sentence in The Wall Street Journal the other day.

It’s also developing an e-commerce platform to sell those services through local retailers that farmers already do business with.

Sigh. I expected better. That sentence would have still been clear had it used “local retailers with whom farmers already do business”. Not only would it be clear, but *I* think it would read more smoothly as well. Sigh.

At a time like this I REALLY miss my mother. I’m sure she could find many errors within my own writing, brief as this is. Although my sister is good at this grammar “stuff” as well. *grin*

On A Winter’s Day

IMG_0273I’m not dreaming of California. I’m dreaming of a warm tropical beach, the sound of waves lapping at the shore, a pile of books by my chaise lounge, the cabana attendant within easy calling distance, no electronic devices, no news feeds and time, time, time to savor the sun, sand, water, sky and books.

The sky is gray, the news is dispiriting, I’m busybusybusy with work, and still not 100% recovered from illness (probably because I pushed too soon and then relapsed. Oops).

Yesterday was Valentine’s day and I offered to cook my valentine one of his favorite casseroles for dinner. Alas, when I went to open the necessary soup cans, I noticed that we were just about 2 years past the expiration date. Even for me that seemed excessive. *grin* Not to fear, I substituted whipping cream and cheese and dried soup and the casserole was yummy.

The days are getting longer, the little bit of snow/slush we got this week is nearly gone, and soon it will be spring.