Silence is Complicity

Since Oct 7, 2023 I have been angry. No, FURIOUS. OUTRAGED. The massacre in Israel by Hamas was obscene and evil beyond words. Nevertheless, I expect the world to have words.

If you are quiet, if you are not speaking up, you are complicit in the evil. It’s really that simple.

I do NOT want to hear anyone try to justify the terrorist attack. Gaza has NOT been “occupied” for almost 20 years. Israel removed all traces from Gaza in 2005, including removing bodies buried in cemeteries. Did you know that? The Gazans elected Hamas. Hamas promptly massacred hundreds of members of the Palestinian Authority (also Gazans). Hamas has ruled Gaza since then, using all international humanitarian aid for terrorist purposes. Hamas leaders have billions of dollars to their name, do not live in Gaza, but keep the Gazans in abject poverty to foment hatred and protests against Israel.

You know who is NOT protesting against Israel? The over 2 million ARABS who live in Israel. Who have the same rights and privileges as the Jews. Who are CEO of a major bank, are elected to the Knesset, TV news anchors, athletes, administrator of largest Israeli hospital, Israeli Supreme Court judge, SERVING IN THE IDF, and so on. Don’t let the facts confuse you.

In the meantime every antisemite and Jew hater in the world has crawled out of the murk and feels enabled and free to hate and kill Jews. Kill? Oh yes, take a look at Los Angeles where a pro-Palestinian demonstrator bashed a Jewish man in the head with a megaphone. Paul Kessler DIED as a result. SAY HIS NAME. Of course if you are a major media institute, you don’t mention that the Jew was killed by a Palestinian supporter because that doesn’t fit your story. As one reader said: “I hope the sidewalk gets a great lawyer, he’s going to need it.”

What is happening on our college campuses and in our streets is obscene. Hateful. Dangerous. Disgusting. Do you care? Or is it “only those Jews”? Make no mistake, my dear friends, who are liberal in your views, and compassionate, and trying to see “both sides”. There is no “both sides” in this particular situation. There is evil that wants to take over the world – yes, you – they want to kill you too. And there are the Israelis who are fighting to protect you and all who believe in free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of sexuality, freedom to live a life without fear. This is not about supporting the Israeli government unilaterally. This is about freedom and people, not governments.

I was asked “do you have family there?” Yes, 7 million of my family are in Israel. Over1400 of my family were brutally slaughtered. 240 of my family were kidnapped and their mutilated murdered bodies are being discovered as I type. Please note that many of those murdered and captured are NOT Israelis. They are citizens of over 30 other countries. But they ARE my family because I’m a caring, thinking human being.

And still so many are silent. So many are “well let’s be proportional”. Excuse me – the Hamas terrorists put a live baby in an oven and baked him. Should the IDF be doing that to Gazans? Right. Think about what you say. About what you DON’T say. Because at the moment I’m watching young Americans on Tik Tok claim that “gee, Usama Bin Laden was justified in destroying the Twin Towers in NYC on Sept 11, 2001, and attacking the Pentagon”. What has happened to our world that this kind of knee-jerk, mindless, destructive ideology is give publicity and credence???

You know what happened? Silence when there should have been outrage. Silence when there should have been solidarity. Silence when there should have been action.

We will not forget the silence. We will not forget who stood with us. And who did not.


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There's not much to say about me. I discovered SecondLife by accident, wandered in, and decided I wanted to stay. This blog was a chronicle of my adventures and misadventures in SL. It also includes stray thoughts that occur to me as a result of my time in SL. Both I and my avatar are female. We both love water and the beach and gardening and parties and hanging out with friends. Updating this after quite some time. I haven't appeared in SL in many many months (probably over a year by now) but SL has remained in my thoughts. I do miss my SL, but at least I still have contact with some of my friends from there. In the meantime.... this blog has evolved to be about my RL adventures. :) Nowhere near as risque as my SL but I do keep busy. I still like all the things listed above. I didn't have any cats in SL (only ducks and a panda) so my cats feel that they should play starring roles in my posts. :) I didn't do much eating IN SL although certainly food and drink accompanied me in RL while I roamed inworld. Cooking and baking have become more fun and interesting once I redid my kitchen. That renovation took longer and cost more than if I'd done it virtually, but I'm thrilled to have a tangible new kitchen! I hope you like food and drink as well! February 2024 Update: It’s been a very long time since I was in SL. I dropped in back in 2020 when covid took over most everything. In 2022 we ripped out the second floor of our house, so that was MORE renovation. At this rate we’ll have rebuilt our entire house from the inside out! :) I retired from corporate life in 2023. It occurs to me, long after the appropriate time, that I could have started a new page, or blog, since I’m writing about RL, not SL. :). But SL changed me for the better and it’s definitely part of who I am. So I continue posting! Thanks for reading!

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