The Vanishing Room

When I woke up this morning, the room was gone.

Not a mystery – we know where it went. 🙂 The attic. The basement. The garage. The local Buy Nothing Group. The garbage.

May 11

We started with a room that served a double purpose – my son’s bedroom and my office. It was very full.

June 13 – we’ve done what we could

Then we began to move things out. We needed help with the bed. James took care of that, and the desk and the shelving in my husband’s office. By the way – that room has vanished as well. 🙂

June 14 – it began to get a noisy and messy up there

James and the demolition crew arrived. It still looked like a room.

Now it looked like a very distressed room. I went up at lunchtime to see how it was doing.

There was still evidence that it was/had been a room. But between lunch and dinner, it disappeared. 🙂

June 15 EOD

I have high hopes, however, that something will grow. After all – look how well the willow bush is doing! This evening there seem to be signs of new wood. That looks like a very little room. Ah – maybe I’m growing a closet????

June 16 EOD